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Make the Canal Reserve safe again

August 2010

Why Isn't The Canal reserve Cycleway Safe?

In 2004 the NSW Heritage Council gave permission to the RTA for the removal of a section of the Lower Prospect Canal for the purpose of building the Prospect Highway extension (Reconciliation Road) to service Boral’s Southern Employment Lands development.

April 2008 saw Boral fence off a section of the Lower Prospect Canal Reserve and in May 2008 a section of our heritage was destroyed forever. Access to and from Prospect Reservoir was severed.

In December 2009, 20 months later, temporary access was finally restored. When the permanent opening happens (possibly next year) it won’t be as safe as the cycleway the community previously had.

All walkers and cyclists, the very young and the old, will be confronted by a four lane highway and a two lane transitway, and expected to use a signalised crossing. Proposals to construct an underpass were accepted by Boral, supported by the councils of Blacktown, Fairfield and Holroyd but were rejected by the NSW State Government.

Projected traffic volumes are expected to be equal to the volumes on the Cumberland Highway.

The NSW State Government and the RTA says the signalised crossing is safe. The community says it isn’t safe.

We need a bridge to make it safe!

The community had a very safe cycleway for four years as a result of the work of CRAG and the community. A safe cycleway should be returned.

The NSW State Government and the RTA are to Blame

The RTA application to the Heritage Council in 2004 showed a bridge and Boral commissioned reports up to 2007 also show a bridge.

However the NSW State Government says the Developer Agreement struck in 2001 between the RTA and Boral did not include a cycleway bridge.

CRAG was told that the community would be consulted if the Canal Reserve was to be cut.

The RTA did not consult and has refused to enter any meaningful discussions with the community.

The NSW State Government and the RTA told Boral that a bridge wasn’t required.

The NSW State Government and the RTA are to blame for this fiasco.


CRAG is primarily keeping the community informed via the website – www.build-ourbridge.org – so please look to the site for regular updates.

The website fully documents all of the issues and has copies of the original plans and other evidence of how the NSW State Government and the RTA have let the community down.

Community Support

The only way that the safety of the Canal Reserve cycleway can be returned is with the support of the community.

Please write to the Roads Minister and let him know that the actions of the NSW State Government and the RTA are not acceptable.

His contact details are:

The Hon David Borger
Minister for Roads
Level 37, Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000

Example letters are available on the website for those pressed for time, or not sure how to attack the subject.

CRAG has also created a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/canalreserve.

Please “Like” the Canal Reserve on Facebook. If you don’t know what this means, please ask your children, grandchildren or neighbours children. They’ll know. They can show you.

Encourage everyone you know - friends, relatives, colleagues, sports teams, school groups etc - to also “Like” the Canal Reserve on Facebook.

If we can build a visible support base the powers that be will take more notice. CRAG knows the community supports the call for a bridge to be built, but the Minister and RTA just don’t get it yet. Help them understand.

Show your support in a visible way.

Who do I Contact

As Crown Land the Lower Prospect Canal Reserve is owned by the NSW Department of Lands.

The Department of Lands has appointed Holroyd City Council trustee for the reserve.

Contact details for all reserve issues is:
Holroyd City Council on (02) 9840  9840

To report fires ring 000

To report anti-social activity ring Merrylands Police on (02) 9897 4899

CRAG now has three distinct web addresses:

for the latest information about the fight make the Lower Prospect Canal Reserve safe again.

for information about the reserve, it’s history and photographs.

for information about CRAG, such as meeting dates and contact details.

CRAG also has a Facebook page at:


Help us build a visible support base...

CRAG meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the Widemere Public School Staff Room, Nemesia Street, Greystanes.

If you would like more information about the Lower Prospect Canal Reserve come along.

Meeting dates are available at: www.crag-inc.org/meetings.html

Everyone is welcome.

CRAG’s email address is: crag@canalreserve.org

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